Apple Clips

Is it the new iMovie?

When you speak to people at Apple there is a belief that if iMovie was made today it would look a lot like Clips. That’s quite a statement and it will be interesting to see how long iMovie is supported going forwards. However, what is clear is that Clips is a simple way to make films. 
I’ve run many training sessions on using film in the classroom and the last 18 months has certainly been some of the most impactful training I’ve delivered. One of the problems with the use of film was always the lack of confidence among teachers when it came to editing the final product. No matter how much teachers loved the concept of making films the barriers were huge. 
Clips takes all this away. You shoot what you need. It appears in a tiny box. You trim the content at each end of the box. You’re done. 
What’s most important is that we really do now have a mobile film solution. I went for a walk with my 4 year old and 6 year old the other day. We were on a shape hunt, looking for 2D shapes in our local area. They were recording their findings instantly. We got home and labelled the shapes, added a filter to the shots, deleted the boxes that we didn’t need and it was done.  
There are so many ways to use Clips. I’ve watched teachers recording biographies of artists, sharing slideshows of children’s work, narrating over animations to explain the water cycle or a volcanic eruptions. I’ve seen whole films shot from start to finish in one afternoon, children making their own modern foreign language resources or films to help them with their multiplication tables. It’s a truly cross curricular resource. 
Around the world educators are using Clips in the classroom. On Twitter you can explore this with the hashtag #classroomclips and gather ideas for your setting. 
It remains to be seen what happens to iMovie going forwards. Educators have embraced Clips and placed it right at the heart of the creative classroom. Everyone can create with Clips. What will you do?
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